Wednesday, November 4, 2009


MMM, At last...the EXPATRIATE for November Issue is out now...

Sunday, October 25, 2009


This is my client Mr. CHARLES BRUNOLD ( french guy) the founder and partner of COLISEUM SUITS,
This ads for HOMME MAGAZINE. I'll prefer the clean and simplify ad because, we dont have to focus so many things if i put all the product into the A4 size ad. Just put one main product for presenting the COLISEUM SUITS.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HOMME Magazine cover option.

This is one of my freelance job from my best client ' INKMEDIA'. They are publisher for this great magazine. So, me and my friend Amir is the designer for this magazine. This is our 2nd issue with this magazine. This 4 options is the concept for the cover. The model for the cover is Mr. Charles from Colesium Suits. All this great picture is provided from him. So, for you which one is the best?

Monday, October 12, 2009


This is the design for EXPATRIATE MAGAZINE ad September issue...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Flyer for St Mary in KLCC for LONDON event

Design ni aku buat untuk ZERIN PROPERTIES untuk event diaorang kat London.. bestnye kalau diaorg bawak aku sekali...Tapi aku tau jangan harap le kan...heheheh, angan angan tinggi...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What a busy night...

Mana tak busy...semua kerja kerja aku untuk hari ni aku membawa ke la, siang hari aku terpaksa melayan anak aku yang kecik tu, main playstation...aku kena hantar anak aku yang beso pegi mengaji..siapkan makanan untuk diaorg..mmm, jadi Mr. MAMA la aku...Tu la yang agak lece kalau Home Office ni.., haaa, time malam malam camni le aku perabiskan keje keje aku siang tadi...siap je aku terus e mail pada client esok pepagi bile diaorng masuk keje dan masa aku masih lagi berdengkur diaorg bole le view keje keje aku yg dah siap...haaaa terror tak...Tapi yg lecehnye bile ada perubahan je, terus berdering phone aku time aku tgh tido...

Okay ni antara keje keje aku yang dah siap malam ni...


ni dah design ketujuh dan kelapan dah ni...client ni agak fusy sikit..asyik tukar je...lantak le kome janji bayo...


- DESIGN UNTUK FXMALAY Dinner 2009 - concept Black & Orange night.
so okay semua..thanks for view or comment my blog..see ya...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wacom Bamboo, Pen Tablet

Baru baru ni (errr tak la baru sangat..lama la gak...ahhh whatever la..) aku ada beli benda ni (Wacom Bamboo Fun). Uiii memang best...mula mula tragak la jugak, tapi bila aku study dari website dan
Youtube...fuhhh terus beli la... okay latety ni je aku baru nak menajamkan tahap penggunaan benda ni...

Antara fungsi yang menarik minat aku pada benda ni adalah:

  • Pressure sensor – Seperti pensil dan berus, anda boleh mengawal kadar penekanan. Kalau mahu garis tebal, tekan kuat sikit, begitulah sebaliknya.
  • Pemadam – Seperti pemadam di hujung pensil, anda bole terbalikkan dan padam
  • Tiada bateri – Hanya menggunakan USB
  • Left & Right click – Pena yang disediakan ada butang untuk ke dua-dua tersebut. Jadi anda tak perlulah guna tetikus (mouse) sekali sekala.
  • Zoom in dan out – Terdapat satu “toggle” untuk anda zoom in dan out.
  • 4 butang tambahan – Butang ini boleh diubah fungsi mengikut keselesaan sendiri. Saya sendiri telah mengubah menjadi “Undo”, “Redo”, “Desktop” dan “Save”. Dengan cara ini, saya dapat menyelamatkan beberapa saat untuk mengheret mouse ke atas untuk fungsi tersebut.
  • Semua software – Pada hari pertama pembelian, saya telah mencuba ke semua software, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator dan sebagainya. Semua boleh dipakai.
Ini juga antara artwork aku setelah penggunaan Wacom Bamboo Fun ni....

1st review for today...MAGAZINE AD

Ni kira 1st job online aku dari new client (pun online gak)..
Task...dia nak satu ad untuk full page mag. size...
actualy job ni dateline agak tight sikit..

tapi dia dah sediakan pic and text...
so aku just do the graphic work untuk diaorg la...

mmm, design fees aku tak charge lagi la...
hopefully dia bayo pun online gak...kan senang...

5 reasons To hire freelancers and not companies

Outsourcing to design companies and design firms often means you get taken for a ride and lose your money. Here are a few reasons to use freelance designers. The following is my perception after working at a few different design/media firms.

Here are the reasons in short. Find the extended explanations below.

  1. Freelance designers are less expensive
  2. You do not know who a design company employs lately
  3. Freelance designers tell it to you like it is
  4. Communication with a freelance designer is direct
  5. Freelancers don't juggle your job as much

1. Freelance designers are less expensive

This might sound blatantly obvious, but let me explain why it is so important. If you read my article about " Why do graphic designers like me freelance" you will see that I mention some facts about what percentage of money a worker recieves. A freelance designer (or any other kind) might charge you a large sum of money for a job, but I can almost garauntee that a company or firm will charge you at least double what the designer is asking. The simple answer is that the company pays the designer less than his freelance fee, but they also do need to make about 60 to 90% on top of that in order to stay in business.

2. You do not know who a company employs lately

If you insist on using a company, do a THOROUGH background check and check the current state of their business. I have often seen design companies charging REDICULOUS fees for video editing projects right after they have hired a new designer who has jsut started editing video. This is blatantly dishonest for a start and means that you pay for the quality the company has provided in the past (which might be years ago), but oly receive the services of a new upstart designer. Often these are the same guys that will freelance for you for a whole month for a 3rd of the price of the 2 day video editing job that the design firm is charging you.

3. Freelance designers tell it to you like it is

Design company managers, or managers in general have too much psychological experience. Yes, you read that right. It might not make sense now, but think about it. A manager can ussually win the client over with words of reassurance and little "white" lies. A freelance designer usually tends to tell you the truth about a project or job. They simply don't have the same amount of smoke and mirrors in their arsenal to use against you.

4. Communication with a freelance designer is direct

When you ask a freelancer to do your job, you tell them what you want, they brainstorm, get your opinion and get on with the job. When you work with a design company, they listen to you, maybe take notes, and then explain the concept to the designer. The designer often has to brainstorm in near seclusion and with little feedback. I have seen this backfire many times. I have seen brilliant designers layout and entire magazine in a great style, only to have editorial shoot it down. Then after redo-ing the WHOLE magazine I have seen the client say that they wish to completely change it again... So that means the layout was done 3 times. Simple communication between a graphic designer and a client without the middle man would avoid this situation right from the start.

5. Freelancers don't juggle your job as much

What I mean by this is that companies often have about 10 balls in the air at any time. And by "balls" I mean jobs from clients. This often means that you are paying for the time spent on other jobs. It is not uncommon for a design firm to charge you for the hours that the job was estimated to take by the designer, yet then only spend a fraction of the time on the job and make the poor designer overwork themselves to get 5 jobs out in the time span of 3 or 4 jobs. Freelance designers are simply less pront to working in this way.

They want their work to look good and get return business, so they will put in the hours they planned to (and often quite a few extra) just so that they can be proud of the product and get a good reputation. After all, word of mouth is still the best advertising you can get. Design firms usually ask monthly fees to maintain websites and software. I have often been aware of design firms who charge a big client more money every month than it takes to pay ALL of the employees that are under management. That means that they can almost run the ENTIRE company on the money they get from one client... often for only 10 hours of work per month; Nevermind all the other jobs they juggle.